Wednesday, December 2, 2009

lost the will

The will to try was lost long ago this little fire that burned to want me to prove everyone wrong but now all i have that keeps me going to find a reason to keep going because my mind is losing its own fire to keep burning and just burn out and not even bother to move, for i can never fit in exactly as I would please i do not fit this flame is soon to burn out..

Monday, November 30, 2009

I child deep inside

this child that i hide inside myself crying out for attention... and yet i hold it in, acting so strange to hide this inner child.. and yet he spews threw from where i act like a child from the friends that i have now because.. i was all alone and smash with the childhood i could not have

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

will u leave me alone?

As u slowly let go of my hand to walk away and continue your life my heart falls and hits the cold concrete floor wondering will you come back and make me happy or leave me alone as the cold winds cut through my heart

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A friend lost in my stupidity

A friend lost because im childish, because im stupid, because I thought it would be funny, and yet what I have said was not funny, not funny at all, because I am stupid I thought it was funny and yet it was not funny, things said with information that was unknown to me, I lost a good friend and I blame myself because I am stupid, and good for nothing I am hurt, for losing a good friend is like loosing a part of my family that I wish it was........

Monday, April 20, 2009

I dont know if u do but everyone else sees flesh not soul

I look around and everyone sees flesh between me and u they think I desire just your body but no one really sees what I see, I do not see the flesh I see your soul that's vibrant so exquisite and your soul is so fragile so hurt and I Love you not the flesh just who u are your soul brightens up the way for mine as they touch for every spark of a kiss is where they connect and make our love oh so beautiful

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Restrictions to the Public

More restrictions the more people rebel against the rules made the more law breakers the more chaos is called. The more we try to prevent the more is brought up upon this world the chaos is slowly being unleashed on this planet with more rules comes more destruction and lawbreakers, chaos and destruction is our human nature

Friday, April 3, 2009

my mind

My mind indulges in the fact I can not escape this cell of my thoughts, as this cell is also a cage slowly rattled with fear of loss, this plagues my mind, overwhelming me, breaking me down, for if I see closer I am not alone this this cage there is someone here next to me holding me up, stopping me from hitting the ground, she is the light and what will set me free.

Monday, March 23, 2009

adadadasda (random stuff on my mind)

Down to the dead we hand our loved ones. We sacrifice what we can even those we love to the dead so that our pleasures can be met to what we want. The human race can’t be so fascinating if it has so many flaws to just please oneself but to help the world. There are very few people that realize that and sacrifice there life to help make this world better but there lives go in vain for there are far more other people who do not realize that and ruin the world. I see this as an outrage. Maybe it’s because this world is populating so much that pretty soon we will be related to everyone creating ourselves cousins every day which means we will have medical problems showing up soon that probably also explains why there are so many kids with down syndrome. Cancer for all we know can be a deformation for the breading defects. This world falls somehow and every generation is getting as it goes on and soon the world will end because we have chosen our fate. This fate is no more. The breeding it needs to stop there are too many people already. We are killing animals to keep us alive and destroying there homes for our farms. We need to change soon because this world will revolt into chaos. If a war won’t kill us then we ourselves will take each other out for our flaws and stupidity of a human mind. Look at the world right look at it and you will be disgusted when the world revolves around drugs and money paper, plants, and chemicals is what the world revolves around. Even kids are getting a hold of drugs now with no problem this world is falling apart the drugs are our plagues we are killing ourselves.

Run to the hills run and stay hide away from it all away from the teachers away from the police away from your family away to stay hid away from the problems away to stay away from your emotions away from god away from the dead away till the dying sun away from the uproar of the mood away in the hill under a man made rock there to stay and look down at the horrific site as you look and look you see a spark of beauty there to stay and for you in the hills away from it all and there to stay look into the sky and there to stay. Look at the dark sky and cry for the day of no awakening.

Alone alone where are you the beauty I long to see and be with the beauty and frail smile that I long for the eyes that make my day that keep me alive?!

Ok and I care why when u see the world is coming to an end in 3 years no one believes when they are caught up in there own lives and throwing some other people aside and the people thrown aside are the ones that fall because they have no one to help them. Everyone needs help everyone no one can make it on there own unless they shed tears of loneliness and pain. By the time they are in there 50’s they go insane doing whatever to make them happy. Insanity has crawled in slowly. Why because other people don’t care what happens to them. In a world so cruel the only way to survive is to fight it back, fight it back with all your might but in the end no matter what you do you lose because life turns into death.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This precious smile

This smile so precious so elegant, so evenly perfect, the sun of my life this smile is so great no match this smile beats the rest making me feel like a prince and yet so special this smile is on this girl I dearly care for and love very dearly I love this girl Sabina Sarahi Delgado I am the luckiest guy in the world

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I found a hand..

I found a hand, so soft I'm in the dark, its trying to pull me out I know this hand I see light from the direction the hand is pulling me, I see a head with short hair a little higher then the shadow of this persons shoulders I see I get closer and wrap my arms around this persons waist I know who this is as the dark fades into the cracks of the ground I see this smile brightening up this cold dark place, bringing a smile to my face as I kiss her with a small peck feeling a spark to clear my sight seeing this girl, she has pulled me out of the dark, brightened up my days and made me happy as I hold tight onto her waist scared to let go because I might lose her as the darkness swallows me whole again if I let go

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Perfect girl

This girl I have met so pretty and yet so witty, her smile so elegant and perfect enough to brighten up the day. Her eyes so sparkly as the night sky with the tingly feeling I get every time I see her looking at me, every moment every step I take I am falling more in love her personality so perfect so sweet and yet so devilish like a kids. This perfect girl I can hold every day I love this girl so beautiful, No one more perfect then her and this I know

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Death waits among the horizon and yet I'm not afraid. I wait and wait he does not come he stands and mocks me as if I were nothing special to him but a lonely useless soul. I wait and look at him waiting for him to come near, and yet he mocks me with his scythe swinging it about. I stair and stand looking at him with my angered eyes. Before I know it I'm running towered him like a fool angered for the long wait he has given me. My senses heighten as I get closer to him, I hear a small melody play, for now I know why I was angry and impatient I was waiting for my turn to dance with the reaper.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

alone I stand

alone I stand unheard, unseen craving for a little attention, looking for the light I sit in the dark searching for the light. I want help and yet I do not ask I sit her wishing for help and yet i do not ask. I sit and ask myself why do i do this to myself, and yet I know why because I am here alone, in the dark as my shadow swallows my image and shape showing the dark side I do not want.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dear Deca store,

My suggestion is that to accaully get more food because that's what everyone really wants I know its sad but jeez everyone is fat, like should speak but at least I don't eat 24/7 like everyone else..

Monday, February 2, 2009

Time used unwisly

I am here wasting time on a blog spot I don't understand why are we doing this, just causing classroom boredom why can just just give us a free day. No she has to keep us working its annoying me but its okay, I guess. I know I need to raise my grades I really want to but for some reason I don't to get that through my thick skull.