Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A friend lost in my stupidity

A friend lost because im childish, because im stupid, because I thought it would be funny, and yet what I have said was not funny, not funny at all, because I am stupid I thought it was funny and yet it was not funny, things said with information that was unknown to me, I lost a good friend and I blame myself because I am stupid, and good for nothing I am hurt, for losing a good friend is like loosing a part of my family that I wish it was........

Monday, April 20, 2009

I dont know if u do but everyone else sees flesh not soul

I look around and everyone sees flesh between me and u they think I desire just your body but no one really sees what I see, I do not see the flesh I see your soul that's vibrant so exquisite and your soul is so fragile so hurt and I Love you not the flesh just who u are your soul brightens up the way for mine as they touch for every spark of a kiss is where they connect and make our love oh so beautiful

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Restrictions to the Public

More restrictions the more people rebel against the rules made the more law breakers the more chaos is called. The more we try to prevent the more is brought up upon this world the chaos is slowly being unleashed on this planet with more rules comes more destruction and lawbreakers, chaos and destruction is our human nature

Friday, April 3, 2009

my mind

My mind indulges in the fact I can not escape this cell of my thoughts, as this cell is also a cage slowly rattled with fear of loss, this plagues my mind, overwhelming me, breaking me down, for if I see closer I am not alone this this cage there is someone here next to me holding me up, stopping me from hitting the ground, she is the light and what will set me free.